About the
Japanese Matcha, Pear Juice Filtrate, Tea Tree Extract, & Neem, deliver
quick results to help prevent acne, reduce marks & promote clear, even
skin tone. This acne gel has been specially formulated using acne busters
from Japan to try & give you fast and visible results, just when you need
them. It’s a known fact, there’s no one reason why acne could occur. As if
the genes and hormonal tendencies weren’t enough, we also have tons of urban
reasons to develop acne – smog, dust, pollution, the food we love and
multiple stresses in life. Luckily, we now have a solution that fixes most of
this. This is not a normal acne gel, this is your friend, for life. And quite
unlike acne, which occurs when you just don’t need it, our gel saves you,
just when you need it.
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